Chakwera attends Lucius Banda funeral

By Staff Reporter

President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera has arrived in Balaka to lead the Malawi Nation in paying last respects to the fallen musician Lucius Banda, who died Sunday in South Africa while receiving treatment.

Upon arrival, the President proceeded to the late Banda’s house in Kaumphawi Village in Andiamo where he paid his last respects together with Madam Monica Chakwera before proceeding to Balaka Stadium where the funeral programme will be held.

Chakwera comforting Sir Paul Banda

A mass which will be led by Bishop Desmond Tambala Archbishop of Lilongwe, will be celebrated in honour of the musician.

Different people have gathered at Balaka Stadium, where Mass will be held before his burial at his home  Sosola Village.

Among other people at Balaka Stadium are the Vice President of the Republic of Malawi Dr. Michael Usi, Former President of the Republic of Malawi Dr. Joyce Banda, Government Ministers, Formers Ministers, the Clergy, different musicians, across the country.

Until his death, Banda was Presidential Advisor on the Youth and Arts.